The Climbing Unit

Summer Boulder League 23

👀 🧗‍♀️ Attention All Climbers❗️❗️❗️

Our Summer Boulder League will be kicking off at 5pm Friday 12th May. This is a fun competition with separate categories for Juniors, Seniors, Vets and Legends so you can get the whole family involved!

For this season we will be returning to the “one night wonder” format. Each round will be held on the second Friday of the month.

How it works

Everyone is welcome and you can join in no matter what grade you climb!

If you’re new to the sport, this is a great way to engage with the wider climbing community and improve your route reading in a positive and inclusive environment. If you’ve been climbing for years, come along and enjoy the friendly atmosphere, you might even find a new climbing buddy!

For the competitive amongst you, why not get a group of mates together and see who will climb out on top? For the more casual climber, you can compete against yourself by simply aiming to improve your score each round.

Thinking of giving it a go? Here are the dates for the Diary:

And don’t forget the number 1 rule: Have fun! 😊

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