The Climbing Unit

New Year, New You, New Shoes!!!

It’s that time of year again, when we all resolve to eat healthier, stop drinking and take up a new hobby. With our yummy pizzas, bakery cakes and craft beers, we’re not making things easy for you! But, if you’re new to the world of climbing and bouldering we can certainly lend a helping hand there!

Don’t be like this guy; All the gear, No idea!

Chalk Bag or Chalk Bucket? Chalk Ball vs Liquid Chalk vs Loose Chalk; whats the difference? How do I take care of my skin so I can climb for longer? and Why are there tarantulas in the shop? There are no silly questions (well maybe that last one!) Our friendly staff are on hand to help if you need advice on any of our products or just to chat climbing, feel free to come and say hello; we don’t bite.

When it comes to climbing shoes, it’s fine to hire, but when you’re ready to step it up a grade, we’ve got the shoe for you. Our beginner shoes are back in stock with a range of sizes. We’ve got some little, small, wee shoes (UK3.5), some middle-sized shoes, some great, huge shoes (UK12) and everything in between. Just ask a member of staff for shoe-fitting help and we’ll make like Goldilocks and find you a climbing shoe that’s “just right”

The boots in our beginner range are built for comfort and durability so you can have all the gains, no pain, we’ll even throw in 50% off the price of a month’s membership with the purchase of any boots to help you towards your New Year’s fitness goal.

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